Two Coyotes at Dakota Mountain.
Oil on Canvas. 20" x 16"
(Sold 2/26/2002) Dakota Mountain
has such an unusual shape, and coloration, that I have made it my shrine for painting and meditation, usually in the early
evening just before sunset. Here it is still possible to see coyotes in their natural state. Notice the many saguaro cactii.
These are native to the Sonoran Desert and don't grow anywhere else in the world.

Plein Air Painting
Tipi at Ecco Valley. 10" x 8". Gold Frame
2". Oil on Canvas Board, Backed with Foam Core.Hand Built structure sw of Tucson, in Ecco Valley. Lathe and Stucco construction.
Habitable, and now with metal decor: hand fashioned tipi sticks emerging from the top of the Tipi.